alachua main street festivals

20 years in the making
2023 was a big year for us. We celebrated 20 years of Main Street Festivals! Some years we had a Spring and Fall festival, but the past few years, we have cut it back to just the Fall festival. And of course, with all of our efforts focused on the Fall festival, it did not disappoint! Vendors and patrons alike all had a great time!
This year, 2024, we are scheduled for Sunday, November 17th. Main street will again be lined with over 200 unique vendors and thousands of guests looking for that one special gift, or piece of art for their home, or just a delicious treat that is not always available through out the year. Live music will be available at both the main stage and the south stage, which anchors the south end of the street. And if nothing else, the fresh air and excercise is just what the doctor ordered!
The intent of the festival is to showcase local businesses and talent, along with the beauty and charm of historic downtown Alachua. Proceeds go towards various scholarships provided by the ABL to local students planning on continuing their education at Sante Fe College.
If you are a festival goer, you know you do not want to miss this event. The return of faithful vendors as well as the promise of something unique that you won’t find anywhere else. cap that off with the smell of kettle corn and fried foods in the air, and you have a recipe for a perfect day! This event always proves to be a fun filled day for kids of all ages and this year will be no exception! Bookmark this page and like our Facebook page /ablfestivals to stay current on all announcements as they happen.
If you are a vendor, We are thrilled to have you back on our streets and we look forward to seeing you again! You make this event what it is and we couldn’t do it without you! Below you will find a button to submit your application.
Our festival price is $85 for general vendors (10×10 space), $125 for ride areas and $150 for food vendors (prime space). Quite a bargain for the exposure and traffic seen that day. Plus, if you require more than one space per business, we offer a $20 discount for additional sites!
We appreciate your interest in our festival and look forward to seeing all of you there. Please take a moment to read the guidelines below for day of policies. This may answer any questions you may have. If not, feel free to email us at
If applications are closed, you can add your name to the vendor waiting list below. The waiting list will ensure you are notified when we start taking applications. However, ABL members will have first dibs on a space, then the list will be notified. To steal a phrase, “membership has its priveleges.”
vendor guidelines
Check in and set up
- Enter Main Street from HWY 441, next to CVS. (Main Street aka NW 141 Street, Alachua 32615).
- Vendors check in from 7:00-9:00 am at the check-In area located on the North end of Main Street, next to CVS.
- If you have a larger truck or trailer that needs to be situated in a space or need more time to unload, please come early. This will help ease the traffic later in the morning.
- You will receive your booth number when you check in. DO NOT proceed to any space before checking in as it may be assigned to someone else.
- Check In with the business name you put on your Vendor registration.
- Pull over to the side as much as possible while unloading. Unload all your supplies first, then park your vehicle. Do not set up before you move your vehicle. If you need help unloading, let the volunteers know at the registration booth.
During the festival
- It is the vendor’s responsibility to collect and remit sales tax. Alachua county is now 7.5% of total sale.
- Do not leave your booths unattended if possible. If you need a break, please ask a volunteer to man your booth while you are out.
- Be courteous: Please don’t encroach on walking spaces between vendors or block your neighbor’s booth with signs or overflow goods.
- Secure your tents, signs, goods, cords, papers etc.; no drilling or damage to pavement can occur.
- If you have any problems, questions, or need any kind of assistance, please seek out a volunteer. We are here to help. Anyone with an ABL vest or with a volunteer laynard can help or find the help you need.
- Please do not break down early or bring vehicles on to Main Street before 5:00 pm.
Break Down
- Begins at 5PM and must be completed by 6PM.
- Do not bring your vehicle on to Main Street until officials confirm that the road is safe to drive on, your site is broken down, packed up and ready to load.
- Traffic will flow the same way as when you entered. Do not enter the street from the south end
- Please do not dump ice on local lawns. Dump on asphalt near sewers.
- There are garbage cans stationed around the festival for festival attendees. Please make sure to bag and remove your trash and make sure your booth area is neatly maintained and cleaned.
General Information
- Produced by the Alachua Business League.
- Exit 399 off of I-75: Turn left, go to 2nd Traffic light-that is Main Street, turn right. ( AT&T store and CVS)
- Signs: Please post a clear sign identifying your booth by name.
- Duplicate vendors: If you are a direct sales vendor, It is your responsibility to ask us if anyone else from your company has already registered.
- Questions:
- Non-refundable: As this is an outdoor event, rain or shine, fees are non-refundable.
- Space Only: You must bring your own tables, chairs, tents, etc.
- Liability: Each vendor is individually required to maintain a safe booth space. The ABL carries liability insurance for the overall event.
- No electricity will be made available.
Generators: Use only “whisper working” generators or you will be moved. - No Political booths or activities permitted.
- Charitable Groups are required to DO an activity with visitors (face or hand painting, balloons, arts/crafts, grab bag, games, etc.
- RESTROOMS located at Skinner Park across from CVS, Alachua Welcome Center, and the Alachua Woman’s Club. Also, Porta-Potties are placed strategically along Main Street.
- Dogs: If you bring a dog, make sure it stays on leash, provide water and a bowl, and clean up after your pet!
- You will receive confirmation by email only – Please provide us with a valid email address on your Registration form.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Our goal is to have a successful event to promote all of our businesses.
Alachua Business League, Inc. Festival Committee